Venture Building

Please see below the journey of my Venture Building Activity. All of this was done without raising any capital. All of this was done with a very limited budget that I managed to gather from almost a decade of savings from various employments.

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Research Phase 1

March 2020

Lockdown began and I suddenly found myself with a lot of extra time. There were no more gym sessions, no more after work socials, life was very Hobbsian. So with all this time, I started to do research on what extra jobs I could do during this spare time. I initially thought I should buy and sell sunflower oil.

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Operations Phase 1

October 2020

Due to operational issues, I decided not to pursue sunflower trading opting instead for building an MVP with a friend I met at Google Campus.

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Opened Zeraf Technologies

March 2021

My friend and Co founder had a child and drops out. At this point, our MVP wasn't great and so I decided to open a small office with 3 Software Engineers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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Venture Builder

July 2020

Without realizing, I had created a Venture Builder. I had created 3 prototypes and started to gather feedback from potential customers. At this point, I narrowed down the list to 3 prototypes. Medusa, GiraffeNotes and GreenCheddar

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MVP Generation 1

January 2022

Released the first version of GreenCheddar and GiraffeNotes and collected feedback from all walks of life. There was a clear signal. We should pursue GreenCheddar despite it's many flaws.

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MVP Generation 2

May 2022

Released Medusa and Third Version of GreenCheddar. Collected feedback. It seemed that achieving sales was difficult. We didn't manage to hit product market fit. However there was a stronger signal for GreenCheddar. So we dropped Medusa and went full steam on GreenCheddar.

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The Pivot

September 2022

Released the 4th version of GreenCheddar. The feedback was much better, however the legacy was clunky and therefore we decided to build a smaller mobile version taking lessons from the past iterations.

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MVP Generation 3

April 2023

Released 5th MVP of GreenCheddar. We believe this is the final stage and are in the process of onboarding clients.